Hello there Dear Curious Visitor,
My Name is Jaemy C.
I am a Visual Artist, Digital Illustrator and Calligrapher.
Over the past few months, I was cyber-bullied on social media. It was not fun.
I will now be turning these online attacks into random satire NFTs because why-the-heck-not.
Learn more about the idea
behind the project here.
"Ass Hole"
"Yum Yum"
"U is the Worst of the Baddest Designer i Ever Seen"
"Shame on you!!!!"
"you look like a shit bro!"
"Otak kayu" (wood for brains)
"go fuk ur self"
"middle finger emoji x2"
"Happy clown day... get it cuz ur a clown who says batik is from malaysia"
"sham on you"
"You stupid and very crazy"
"dude at least u could research first there's this thing called GOOGLE"
"ANAK BABI *laugh emoji* MALINGGGG" (translation" Piglet Thief)
"Maling.. jamy cow... jeamy cong.... jeamy cuiihhh *laugh emoji x4* "
"Muke good looking, sayang Otak kosong." (translation: Good looking face, pity that the brain is empty)
"king of plagiarism"
"You are not an artist... you are a PLAGIATOR!!"
"A THIEFT NOT AN ARTIST *poop emoji x23"
"ur fking gross malaysian, ur face like pig, go some where that u can go life, btch"
"Fuck you punk!"
"U can draw ur own cult instead of claiming our cult. I mean u can draw a beautiful nasi lemak, if you're an artist u can make everything turn into a piece of art. Be creative u culp..."
"Oii lancauuu, klarifikasi perkara Wayang Kulit. Jangan senyap je. Bikin malu." (translation: "Oi Penis, explain yourself about the Wayang Kulit project. Don't be silent.")
"Shame on you @jaemyc u cunts!"
"halo maling"
"Stupid designer without knowlede *middlefinger emoji*"
"Muka kek babi" (pig cake face)
"Awas ada maling" (Beware of Thief)
maling freak
"Malinggg" (thief)
"halo maling"
"maling sia"
"Maling" (thief)
"Maling woi" (Thief woi)